Sehat Shiksha

A Help For Better Future

Sehat Shiksha  NGO is an indian (non- profitable) organization which works towards supplying food and providing free health check-up to underprivileged people in Delhi region through different programs and Schemes .


Food For the Needy

Free Health Care Support

Education For Under Privileged



We are group of individuals working for the cause of betterment of society. If you would like to be part of our cause or support us in any form. You can reach us here.


Sehat Shiksha initiates in the health sector work to improve access to quality health services for the poor and marginalised community in India. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, Sehat Shiksha works at the individual, community and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. Sahet Shiksha implies strategies to improve the health and nutrition status of the poorest and excluded groups, particularly women and children. Sahet Shiksha provides health check up camps every month for marginalised community in India. 

The various areas of healthcare system delivery addressed by Sehat Shiksha projects include improving the quality of services for maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases such Tuberculosis, HIV and many more. To increase the uptake of services, besides the supply-side interventions, many projects work with communities and groups of mothers to break social barriers by engaging men and other key decision makers in rural households. The aim of the health interventions is to strengthen and promote comprehensive health for women and girls, and create a positive and enabling environment for accessing quality healthcare services in India.